Current Features

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Create Recipes

Add, edit, reorder, link, and search

Add your recipes to Mise App in a simple format that is easy to navigate.

Reorder ingredients in the order you want to move through your kitchen.

Write the notes you need. We write things like, “Check for sweetness,” or “Use the big blue bowl.”

Curate & link multiple sources of inspiration
So you can keep track of why you made your decisions.


Minimalist Format

Less is more

The order goes like this:

Title + Translation/Subtitle

Reading recipes takes a lot of time and energy, and forcing your brain to re-adjust to every new format out there is difficult. Consistency will keep you moving forward.


Handy Gestures

Keep track of where you are

Cross off ingredients with your finger as you’re cooking. This will help you keep track of what you’ve already done and keep you focused on the next step.


No Photos

Look at what you’re making instead

This was a conscious decision! While looking at pictures is nice, we realized that it’s really important to focus at what’s in front of you. The food you’re cooking is gorgeous.



Because design matters

We wanted to use this project to push the visual boundaries of the recipe app universe. We want you to be able to find a theme that speaks your language.


No Ads


We feel strongly about your privacy and the value of software. Our dog can testify. The app is $3.99 upfront, because we’re not interested in selling your data. You can read our privacy policy here.



Future Features



Something about paper

While we love the internet, we also love books. Physical books. And, to us, nothing quite replaces paper with words printed on them. Plus, it’s recyclable and doesn’t have a battery.



We’re thinking through this.

It’s not that we don’t want you to share recipes - it’s just that we want the exchange of recipes to be purposeful. We’re researching it; send us your thoughts!


Inter-recipe linking

It makes sense

While learning the basics ourselves, honing our own recipes, we realized the importance of integrating homemade components — sauces, dressings, stocks, and so on. The experience of being able to link these to other recipes quickly is something we’re designing for a future release.


iPad version

Because our eyes

We want to make sure you’re able to use your iPads/tablets with Mise. We’re thinking about how the stylus fits into the interactions as well, so stay tuned.